Mickey and the Bear
Mickey is a young girl living in Anaconda, Montana, with her unstable, unemployed, and uninvolved ex-Marine father Hank. As a headstrong and independent high schooler, she has applied to a college far from home, but is reluctant to leave her hometown or abandon Hank to fend for himself. This father-daughter drama is told through small moments, rather than theatrical twists and turns, breathing a new life into the classic genre. The film not only reaches audiences with its plot, but also employs an impactful soundtrack, outstanding cinematography, and a magnificent background in Montana’s mountains to tell its hopeful story. Introduction by Iana Dontcheva (VAFF)
Fri, Oct 25, 2019
6:30 PM
Vinegar Hill Theatre
Film Info
Director: Annabelle Attanasio
Runtime: 89 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2019
Country: USA
Language: English
Featuring: Camila Morrone, James Badge Dale, Calvin Demba, Ben Rosenfield and Rebecca Henderson