Set after a catastrophic event known as The Reset, this film examines humanity’s attempt to rebuild using aged technology under the watchful eye of an authoritarian corporation. When a friend’s suicide leaves behind a mysterious computer drive, a fringe hacker and an accomplished computer technician must come together to decipher the message left in his wake. First-time filmmaker Carleton Ranney effortlessly combines a low-fi aesthetic with an intensely ambitious sci-fi story, creating a work that manages to satisfy as both a retro throwback and a forward-thinking indie drama. Discussion with director Carleton Ranney, producer Rebecca Rose Perkins, writer-producer Destin Douglas, and moderator Joe Fab
Supported by Vibethink
Sat, Nov 7, 2015
1:00 PM
Downtown Mall : Violet Crown A
Film Info
Director: Carleton Ranney
Runtime: 100 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2015
Country: USA
Featuring: Reed Birney, Josh Caras, Ian Christopher Noel, Joslyn Jensen