Arts$ Access Confirmed

Thank you for logging into NETBADGE to access Arts$ tickets, which are available only to current UVA students.  The link below will automatically apply a unique discount code to your cart to unlock the Free Student Ticket price type on all allowable VAFF screenings and events.

Please note the following as you browse the calendar and go to place your order:

  • The Free UVA Student ticket redemption window ends 24 hours before an event or when the allocation of complimentary tickets is exhausted.
  • You may only reserve 1 free ticket to each screening or event.
  • Free UVA Student Tickets are not transferable and can only be used by the UVA student reserving the ticket.
  • What if you can no longer use your Free UVA Student Ticket? Please release your tickets at least 24 hours prior to an event so that they can be resold. You can release your tickets easily by submitting our Ticket Release form here!


And finally, if you leave this site for an extended period of time before checking out, your cart will empty and the promo code will be removed from your cart. You will then need to return to the previous badge and log-in with NETBADGE again. 

If you have any issues applying the promo code to your order, please email the Arts Box Office staff at or visit the ABO during business hours.