Adrenaline Film Project Reprise

In its 15th year and hosted by Light House Studio, the Adrenaline Film Project challenges 12 filmmaking teams to write, cast, film, edit, and premiere their films all in 72 hours under the mentorship of Hollywood professionals, Jeff Wadlow and Han West, and AFP alum and LHS lead teaching artist, Sam Gorman. LHS premiered the 2019 completed films at Vinegar Hill Theatre on October 12 with an awards ceremony. This screening will be a repeat screening of the completed films and feature an Audience Award. Introduction and award presentation by Sam Gorman (Light House Studio)
Light House Studio’s Adrenaline Film Project is supported by Amy and John Harris, 3Twenty3, Allison Partners, Charlottesville Radio Group, Vibethink, and the Virginia Film Office.
Sat, Oct 26, 2019
7:30 PM
Newcomb Hall Theatre