In this 1988 classic comedy-horror directed by Tim Burton, a newly deceased couple, Barbara and Adam Maitland, enlist the help of a devious ghost named Betelgeuse (Michael Keaton) in terrorizing the new occupants of their former home. Stuck haunting the obnoxious house dwellers, the Maitlands quickly learn their mistake as Betelgeuse wreaks havoc beyond their control. Immersed in a surreal realm with zany characters, Beetlejuice exemplifies cinematographer Thomas Ackerman’s ability to craft a visual world that exists outside of a mainstream aesthetic.
Post Screening Panel Discussion: Focus On Cinematography
Hosted by Eric Hurt and Han West
Panelists to include Thomas Ackerman ASC (Cinematographer of Beetlejuice, Jumanji, and Anchorman), James Contner (Cinematographer of The Flamingo Kid and Camera Operator on AMCs TURN), Liz Silver (First Assistant Camera for AMC’s TURN, PBS’s Mercy Street), and Danny Caporaletti (Second Assistant Camera for AMC’s TURN)
Discussion Questions: How do the cinematographer, camera operators, assistant camera people, grips and electricians work together to create the chosen mood and feel for a film? What are the responsibilities and relationships of these departments? What is the career path for those who are interested in this work, especially with the ever-changing nature of the moving picture industry?
Saturday, November 11
5:15 PM
Downtown Mall : Violet Crown C