Set in Prato, Tuscany, this episodic film is split into the parallel stories of two men named Giulio. The first Giulio is an unemployed Catholic who is bitter and losing his faith. After he is convinced to become unbaptized, his devout family finds out, is outraged, and devises a plot to guilt Giulio. The second Giulio is constantly berated by his family for his irresponsibility, but his new friendship with Mauriano, an old card player, teaches him finally to make decisions about his future. Discussion with director Patrizio Gioffredi, screenwriter Lorenzo Orlandini, director of photography Duccio Burberi, and moderator Terri DiCintio
Supported by Charlottesville Sister Cities Commission
Saturday, November 7
1:00 PM
Downtown Mall : Vinegar Hill Theatre
Film Info
Director: John Snellinberg and Patrizio Gioffredi
Runtime: 94 min.
Genre: Drama, International
Year: 2014
Country: Italy
Featuring: Xiuzhong Zhang, Gabriele Pini, Carlo Monni, Giorgio Colangeli