In this intricately layered, dialogue-free exploration of isolation and captivity, a young woman washes ashore and is claimed by an older man. Stripped of language and left utterly vulnerable, the characters are forced to act solely with their eyes and their bodies. Made as a reaction to the state of contemporary films, the film and its director, Paul Taylor, stray away from traditional cinematic approaches and use only what is essential. Taylor reconsiders defining human characteristics at the most basic level and confronts the bonds that tie families together. The film won the Jury Award for Narrative Feature at the 2016 Slamdance Film Festival. Discussion with writer-director Paul Taylor and producer Alex Megaro
Supported by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts
Sat, Nov 5, 2016
6:45 PM
Downtown Mall : Violet Crown C
VAFF donors at the Extra level and above receive advance access to purchase VAFF tickets during our donor pre-sale window. Donors with pre-sale access will receive an email with instructions on how to unlock their access. Public ticket sales begin at Noon on Oct. 11. Please visit Donor Benefits to learn more.
Film Info
Director: Paul Taylor
Runtime: 75 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Featuring: Joslyn Jensen, Paul C. Kelly, Michael Fentin