Fighter follows Jin-ah, a North Korean refugee who is struggling to earn enough money to bring her father to South Korea. She takes a job as a cleaner at a boxing gym, where it’s discovered that she is actually a decent boxer. Portraying the physical and mental fight of a woman plagued by prejudice, Jero Yun’s second film is realistic, emotionally raw, and sure to pack a punch. Introduction by Hyeyon Moon (UVA)
This is a foreign-language film presented with English subtitles.
This film is part of the Korean Film Series supported by Korean Cultural Center – Washington, D.C. and UVA Korea Society.
Sunday, October 31
1:15 PM
Violet Crown 6 & 7
Film Info
Director: Jero Yun
Runtime: 103 min.
Genre: Drama, International
Year: 2021
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Accessibility: Subtitles
Featuring: Oh Kwang-rok, Lim Sung-mi, Baek Seo-bin.