An indigenous chef embarks on an ambitious project to reclaim ancient foodways on the Apache reservation. In South Dakota, a gifted Lakota high school student proves her tribe’s native environmental wisdom through her passion for science. Young men of the Yurok tribe in Northern California struggle to keep their culture alive and rehabilitate their sacred salmon’s habitat. These stories combine to celebrate the indigenous food sovereignty movement as a means of identity reclamation for Native Americans to restore physical and spiritual vitality to their people after centuries of genocide.
Discussion with director Sanjay Rawal and subject Danielle Hill, moderated by Angelina Okuda-Jacobs (Pathkeepers for Indigenous Knowledge) to follow.
Wednesday, October 21
10:00 AM
Virtual Screening
Film Info
Director: Sanjay Rawal
Runtime: 74 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2020
Country: United States
Language: English