I Am Not Your Negro
Preceded by the short film W. W. Yen (7 min.)
Based on the text of Remember This House, James Baldwin’s final, unfinished novel, this documentary is a reflection on what it means to be Black in America. Focused around the lives and assassinations of Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr., I Am Not Your Negro uses archival footage of the civil rights and Black Power movements to explore the racial violence that continues to permeate American culture. Tying past and present together, the film narrates the absurd—and deeply tragic—relationship between the United States and skin color. Introduction by Claudrena Harold
Supported by the UVA Office for Diversity and Equity
Sun, Nov 6, 2016
5:00 PM
UVA : Culbreth Theatre
Film Info
Director: Raoul Peck
Runtime: 95 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Featuring: Samuel L. Jackson, James Baldwin.