Laddie: The Man Behind the Movies


With 150 Academy Award nominations, Alan Ladd Jr. is one of the most successful movie moguls in history. He was the executive who greenlit Star Wars, Blade Runner, and Alien. The Kickstarter-funded documentary is crafted by the subject’s daughter and consists of Hollywood’s biggest talent testifying to Laddie’s loyalty and creative sensibilities. This is the man who decided Alien should have a female protagonist, and Richard Donner should direct The Omen. The story provides a rare and intimate look at the some of the most influential films of the last fifty years and how they came to be. Introduction by VFF advisory board member Lee Caplin

Please Note: There will be metal detectors and bag checks at the front of The Paramount for this event. Please plan to arrive 30-45 minutes early.


Sun, Nov 12, 2017


11:00 AM


Downtown Mall : The Paramount Theater

Film Info

Director: Amanda Ladd Jones

Runtime: 83 min.

Genre: Documentaries

Year: 2017

Country: USA

Featuring: Ben Affleck, Ron Howard, Richard Donner, Mel Brooks, Richard Donner, Morgan Freeman.