Landscapes of Longevity

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What qualities of our everyday places help us live long, healthy lives?  The Landscapes of Longevity documentary film investigates three locations characterized by high rates of life expectancy – Loma Linda, CA; Sardinia, Italy; and Okinawa, Japan.  In 2013, graduate researchers from UVA’s Departments of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning travel the globe collecting dozens of personal narratives from healthy seniors that help reveal the complex relationship between health, place, and aging.  However, the untimely death of a parent from heart disease — the #1 cause of death in the USA — pushes the researchers to see the project in new ways. Discussion with directors Asa Eslocker and Harriett Jameson, Consi Palmer, Kathy Galvin, Brian Wheeler, and Michael Lee (U.Va.)

Supported by Charlottesville Tomorrow and U.Va. School of Architecture


Sun, Nov 9, 2014


1:00 PM


UVA : Culbreth Theatre

Film Info

Director: Asa Eslocker, Harriett Jameson

Runtime: 73 min

Genre: Documentaries

Year: 2014

Country: USA/Italy/Japan