Last Night in Soho
In the latest from acclaimed filmmaker Edgar Wright, Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie), an aspiring fashion designer, is mysteriously able to transport between the 1960s and the modern day. While in the 60s, Eloise finds herself in the body of a dazzling wannabe singer, Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy), who inspires her designs. But eventually, the glitz and glamour of her hidden world become a dark, twisted nightmare, and the dreamworld is not all it appears to be. As Eloise starts to uncover the secrets of the past, they also begin to haunt her present. Last Night in Soho is filled with unexpected moments, a constantly changing plot, and secrets that can only be uncovered by viewing the whole film.
Supported by Woodard Properties
Thursday, October 28
5:00 PM
The Paramount Theater
Film Info
Director: Edgar Wright
Runtime: 116 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2021
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Featuring: Thomasin McKensie, Anya Taylor-Joy, Matt Smith.