Lucky Chan-Sil
Chan-Sil, a film producer, finds herself abruptly unemployed after the film director’s sudden death she’s spent her career working for. Now jobless and running low on money, she takes a position as a cleaning lady for an actress, Sophie. By chance, she encounters Sophie’s’ French tutor, Kim Young, who immediately catches her eye. Meanwhile, Chan-Sil moves into a new place and quickly befriends her landlady, an older woman who offers perspective on Chan-Sil’s life transition. This Korean indie film offers the story of a passionate woman and the people around her, all ordinary and struggling with life in their own ways. Introduction by Hyeyon Moon (School of Continuing and Professional Studies, UVA).
Lucky Chan-Sil is part of the Korean Film Series supported by the Korea Cultural Center, Washington, D.C. and UVA Korea Society and the Women in Film Series supported by Virginia Commission for the Arts & National Endowment for the Arts
Wednesday, October 21
10:00 AM
Virtual Screening
Film Info
Director: Cho-hee Kim
Runtime: 96 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2019
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean