Director Sam Pollard’s resonant documentary utilizes newly declassified files to examine the relentless campaign of surveillance and harassment against Martin Luther King, Jr.. Despite current public opinion perceiving King as an American hero, MLK/FBI offers a harrowing confrontation of the years in which the United States government viewed him as a villainous threat. Using a stunning collection of archival footage from the 1950s and 1960s overlaid with contemporary audio interviews from various perspectives, this deeply impactful film offers a crucial way to connect the past to the present, reminding viewers that true American progress is always hard-won.
Supported by UVA Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
To provide the safest and best Drive-In Experience, we will require each patron to observe the following rules at both of our Dairy Market and Morven Farm locations:
1. If you are sick, running a fever or have been exposed to COVID-19, please stay home until you are healthy.
2. For the safety of yourself and others, you should ONLY attend this event with people in your immediate quarantine circle.
3. All event staff will wear a mask for the duration of each event.
4. All attendees will be required to wear a mask during the check-in process, whenever they are not inside a vehicle, while using the public bathroom facilities, and whenever communicating with event staff.
5. Attendees will be asked to stay inside of the vehicle before, during, and after the screenings.
6. Absolutely no sitting or standing outside of your vehicle or gatherings on the sidewalks of the venue will be allowed and will be enforced by event staff.
Please note: Parking will close promptly once the screening begins. No late entry is permitted.
Thu, Oct 22, 2020
7:30 PM
Drive-In at Dairy Market
Drive-In at Morven Farm
Film Info
Director: Sam Pollard
Runtime: 104 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2020
Country: United States
Language: English