This stunning, immersive documentary follows ecologist Mansi Mungee and her assistant Bicki, a member of the local indigenous Bugun community, as they attempt to record and measure the size of hawk moths at various locations in an Eastern Himalayan Forest. Each night, the two suspend a cloth sheet illuminated with intense lights in the middle of the forest, and then they wait.

Soon, hundreds of moths, of all sizes and colors, flock to the sheet, serving up an evolving and visually stunning canvas that unveils a secret universe. The film uncovers how the study speaks to the dangers of global climate change while highlighting the interconnectedness of the natural world.

Introduction by Samhita Sunya (VAFF)


This film is part of the Nature and Environment Series presented by Southern Environmental Law Center and part of the Middle Eastern and South Asian Cinema Series presented by UVA Arts Council and supported by Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures.


Sun, Nov 3, 2024


3:00 PM


Violet Crown 4

Film Info

Director: Anirban Dutta

Runtime: 83 min.

Genre: Documentaries

Year: 2024

Country: India, USA

Language: Hindi, English, Bugun

Subtitles: Partial English Subtitles.