Price of Love

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In this gritty romantic drama by Ethiopian director Hermon Hailay, a taxi driver and beautiful prostitute fall in love on the mean streets of Addis Ababa. As the two grow closer they are caught up in the dark side of love, struggling to survive in the sinister underworld of Addis Ababa and the toll it takes on those trapped within it. Shot with a seven-member crew and a cast with no previous acting experience, Price of Love refuses to shy away from hard-hitting social issues while still expressing boundless compassion for its subjects.


Sun, Nov 8, 2015


8:00 PM


Downtown Mall : Vinegar Hill Theatre

Film Info

Director: Hermon Hailay

Runtime: 99 min.

Year: 2015

Country: Ethiopia

Featuring: Solomon Teka, Dawit Gulilat, Kassahun Getatchew, Eskindir Tameru