Run Boy Run

Based on a true story from World War II, Pepe Danquart’s Run Boy Run brings the adventures of eight year old Jurek to the screen, as he escapes from the Warsaw ghetto into the woods. Determined to survive on his own until the end of the war, he quickly learns how to hunt and sleep safely with a ragtag group of other Jewish kids, but the winter chill and loneliness keep drawing him back to civilization. Helped by generous villagers, but betrayed by others to the Gestapo, Jurek strains to outlast against forces constantly threatening to destroy him – both nature and man alike. Introduction by Joseph Arton (U.Va.)
Sun, Nov 9, 2014
1:30 PM
Downtown Mall : Regal 3
Film Info
Director: Pepe Danquart
Runtime: 112 min.
Genre: International
Year: 2013
Country: Germany/France
Featuring: Andrzej Tkacz, Kamil Tkacz, Elisabeth Duda, Jeanette Hain, Itay Tiran