She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry

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Artfully combining dramatizations, interviews, and archival imagery, the film recounts the stories of women fighting on the front lines for equality, and in the process created a world-wide revolution. This documentary covers the powerful force of the modern women’s movement from 1966 to 1971, from the founding of NOW to more radical women’s liberation factions. The film tackles controversies over race, sexual preference, and leadership that arose in the women’s movement, capturing the tumultuous, thrilling, and scandalous spirit of the time. It poignantly connects the early women’s liberation movement to issues facing women today, emphasizing the power of mass movements as a catalyst for social change. Introduction by Andrea Press (U.Va.) and Marjorie Rosen (Lehman College)


Sun, Nov 9, 2014


11:30 AM


Downtown Mall : Regal 4

Film Info

Director: Mary Dore

Runtime: 92 min.

Genre: Documentaries

Year: 2014

Country: USA

Featuring: Ellen Willis, Nona Willis Aronowitz, Jo Freeman, Alix Kates Shulman, Rita Mae Brown, Heather Booth