Shiva Baby


Hauled off to a funeral service by her parents, Danielle, a twenty-something bisexual Jewish woman, watches her secret life chaotically emerge when her sugar daddy Max unexpectedly arrives to pay his respects. The emotional chaos continues when she’s confronted by her high school sweetheart and now ex-girlfriend Maya, on top of a slew of other uncomfortable encounters that ramp-up the awkwardness already present. Director Emma Seligman crafts a sharp, yet affectionate parody that explores the inherently complicated relationships between families and communities and the comedic ironies they can seldom cause. atherings on the sidewalks of the venue will be allowed and will be enforced by event staff.


Sun, Oct 25, 2020


8:00 PM


Drive-In at Dairy Market

Film Info

Director: Emma Seligman

Runtime: 77 min.

Genre: Drama

Year: 2020

Country: United States

Language: English