SlingShot focuses on the extensive efforts by noted inventor Dean Kamen, renowned for the development of the Segway Human Transporter, to help solve the world’s water crisis. His most recent feat of engineering in a string of humanitarian, medically-focused inventions is SlingShot – a vapor compression distiller to eliminate water borne pathogens, tracing it from its earliest development through recent trials in Ghana and around the world. This work is more than just a character study – it delves into the integral need for creativity in engineering to solve daunting issues facing people across the globe. Discussion with director Paul Lazarus, Dana Elzey (U.Va.), Teri Kent, Robbi Savage, and Giles Morris
Supported by Vibethink
Sunday, November 9
4:00 PM
UVA : Newcomb Hall Theater
Film Info
Director: Paul Lazarus
Runtime: 93 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2014
Country: USA/George
Featuring: Dean Kamen