Take Me to the River

Ryder, an artsy and confident California teen, heads to Nebraska for a family reunion. After planning to come out to his conservative relatives, he holds off at his mother’s request. No one seems particularly impressed by his flamboyant entrance except his nine-year-old cousin, Molly. When she flees from the barn screaming and inconsolable after following Ryder to look for birds in the rafters, he comes under suspicion. In the process of clearing his name, he learns that some family secrets are often better kept that way. Sobel’s assured directorial debut unfolds an atmospheric narrative that is chilling and surreal. Discussion with writer-director Matt Sobel and moderator Joe Fab
Sun, Nov 8, 2015
1:30 PM
Downtown Mall : Violet Crown A
Film Info
Director: Matt Sobel
Runtime: 84 min.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2015
Country: USA
Featuring: Logan Miller, Josh Hamilton, Richard Schiff, Robin Weigert, Ursula Parker