The Eagle Huntress
Set against the breathtaking expanse of the Mongolian steppe, this documentary follows 13-year-old Aisholpan as she trains to become the first female eagle hunter in twelve generations of her Kazakh family. While many old Kazakh eagle hunters vehemently reject the idea of any female taking part in their ancient tradition, Aisholpan’s father supports her determination. The Eagle Huntress details the trials of Aisholpan’s journey as she trains as an eagle hunter, takes part in her first hunt, and attempts to rise to the pinnacle of a tradition that has been handed down from father to son for centuries.
Supported by St. Anne’s-Belfield School
Saturday, November 5
6:45 PM
Other : St. Anne's-Belfield
Film Info
Director: Otto Bell
Runtime: 87 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2016
Country: UK, Mongolia, USA
Featuring: Nurgaiv Aisholpan, Daisy Ridley, Rys Nurgaiv, Kuksyegyen Almagul.