The Lodger


Directed by “Master of Suspense” Alfred Hitchcock, this silent film follows a London serial killer, known as “The Avenger,” who murders blonde women on Tuesday evenings. When a handsome young man who looks strikingly similar to the murderer asks about a local room for rent, the landlady’s suspicions begin to rise. A detective becomes jealous as the landlady’s daughter, a young blonde woman, grows closer with the new lodger. The detective’s jealousy leads him to investigate the mysterious man and simultaneously try to catch the killer before more innocent people are found dead. Introduction by Ben Mankiewicz, with live musical accompaniment by Matthew Marshall and the Reel Music Trio

Please Note: There will be metal detectors and bag checks at the front of The Paramount for this event. Please plan to arrive 30-45 minutes early.


Fri, Nov 10, 2017


10:00 PM


Downtown Mall : The Paramount Theater

Film Info

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Runtime: 68 min.

Genre: Classics, Drama

Year: 1927

Country: USA

Featuring: June Tripp, Ivor Novello, Marie Ault, Malcolm Keen, Arthur Chesney.