The Love Witch

Preceded by the short film Roadside Assistance (8 min.)
This highly stylized and impeccably crafted drama-thriller follows Elaine, a beautiful and seductive witch, as she concocts spells and potions to manipulate men to fall in love with her. When she finally meets the man of her dreams, her desperation for love drives her to the brink of insanity and murder. Using gothic Victorian décor, a vibrant color palette, and elaborate costume designs, filmmaker Anna Biller pays tribute to 1960s Technicolor thrillers while exploring female fantasy and the repercussions of pathological narcissism. Discussion with actor Laura Waddell
Fri, Nov 4, 2016
9:15 PM
Downtown Mall : Violet Crown B
Film Info
Director: Anna Biller
Runtime: 120 min
Genre: Comedy
Year: 2016
Country: USA
Featuring: Samantha Robinson, Gian Keys, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Laura Waddell, Jared Sanford, Robert Seeley.