They Ain’t Ready for Me
Tamar Manasseh has become a well- known figure in Chicago, poised to become a national figure for her work with MASK (Mothers/Men Against Senseless Killings) to reduce gun violence in Chicago and United States. Manasseh credits her Judaism as the source of her activism, yet still must tackle the ostracism she faces from the mainstream, mostly white Jewish community in the pursuit of her mission. They Ain’t Ready for Me illuminates the power held by grassroots activists and local communities when they step in where local, state, and national institutions fail. Discussion with director Brad Rothschild and subject Tamar Manasseh, moderated by Ilya Tovbis (VAFF) to follow. Discussion credit to JxJ, a program of the Edlavitch DCJCC.
Wed, Oct 21, 2020
10:00 AM
Virtual Screening
Film Info
Director: Brad Rothschild
Runtime: 82 min.
Genre: Documentaries
Year: 2020
Country: United States
Language: English