Wish You Well

In the wake of the tragedy of the loss of their father, young Lou Cardinal and her brother Oz accompany their emotionally traumatized, near-catatonic mother from New York City to a small farm in Virginia. Shaken and completely out of her element, Lou initially buckles against the pastoral lifestyle, but her fiercely independent great-grandmother (Burstyn) shows her the beauty of farm life in the lush Virginia mountains. So when financial interests threaten to take-over the struggling farm, Lou realizes the power of familial bonds and sacrifices made for the good of others. Based on celebrated Virginia-based author David Baldacci’s best-selling book, this period-piece drama echoes the decades-long struggle between corporate interests and small farmers dedicated to preserving the sanctity of the land. Discussion with writer David Baldacci, producer Karen Spiegel, and Jane Kulow (U.Va.)
Supported by Virginia Festival of the Book
A book signing will follow the screening and discussion, and copies of Wish You Well will be available for purchase.
Sat, Nov 8, 2014
1:00 PM
Other : PVCC Dickinson Center
Film Info
Director: Darnell Martin
Runtime: 100 min.
Year: 2013
Country: USA
Featuring: Ellen Burstyn, Mackenzie Foy, Josh Lucas