Zombi Child
Beginning in 1962, this film focuses on the true story of Haitian man Clairvius Narcisse, who is said to have been dug up from his grave and forced to work on a sugar-cane plantation after his untimely death. Following this introduction, the film shifts to present-day France at an elite boarding school where popular girl Fanny befriends new girl Melissa, who recently moved there following her parents’ deaths in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Obsessed with Melissa’s culture, Fanny seeks out Melissa’s knowledge of voodoo to help solve her recent heartbreak. An attempt to rescue Voodoo from traditional racist stereotypes, director Bertrand Bonello’s film offers an intentional look at the legacy and perpetuation of colonialism today.
Friday, October 25
9:15 PM
PVCC Dickinson Center
Film Info
Director: Bertrand Bonello
Runtime: 103 min.
Genre: Drama, International
Year: 2019
Country: France
Language: French, Haitian, English
Accessibility: Subtitles
Featuring: Louise Labeque, Wislanda Louimat, Katiana Milfort