O.J.: Made in America Part 5
After months of testimony, the jury for the O.J. Simpson trial returned with a verdict in only four hours. To some the “not guilty” verdict represented the power money could buy; to others, it represented justice for discrimination suffered over generations. Though Simpson was free, his life would not be the same. In the years following, he faced a civil suit from the victims’ families, and published a book containing a “hypothetical confession.” Simpson’s story continued in 2007, with an arrest for robbery in Nevada, for which he served 10 years before his recent release–a bizarre end for a complicated story. Discussion with director-producer Ezra Edelman, moderated by Anna Katherine Clemmons (UVA)
We will be screening O.J.: Made in America Parts 1 and 2 on Thursday, November 9 at 4:00 PM in Violet Crown C and O.J.: Made in America Parts 3 and 4 on Friday, November 10 at 4:00 PM in Violet Crown C. These two screenings are free and unticketed.
Presented by James Madison’s Montpelier
Sat, Nov 11, 2017
7:00 PM
Downtown Mall : Vinegar Hill Theatre