Acclaimed documentary filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer (The Act of Killing), makes his narrative feature debut with The End, delivering a haunting and unique end-of-days story. Set in a post-apocalyptic musical world, the film follows the last known human family living in an opulent bunker deep inside a salt mine after environmental collapse has destroyed society.

George MacKay (1917) plays a naive young man born in the bunker, sheltered from the world outside, alongside his father (Michael Shannon), a former energy tycoon, and his mother (Tilda Swinton), who clings to their luxurious past. When a mysterious woman (Moses Ingram) arrives seeking refuge, the family’s delicate facade begins to unravel. Blending dark drama, haunting visuals, and somber musical performances, The End explores guilt, denial, and the fragility of human connection. This bold, thought-provoking film offers a strikingly original take the myths we tell ourselves to get by.

Discussion with director Joshua Oppenheimer (via live video conference) and NEON Founder and CEO Tom Quinn, moderated by Bilal Qureshi (Critic and Broadcaster).


Part of the 2024 tribute to NEON, presented alongside VAFF’s Impresario Award for the distributor’s contribution to cinema.

“An audacious and frequently enrapturing experience, with superb performances at its emotional heart.”
-Tim Grieson, Screen International

“A risky proposition, but it’s one of the most beautiful, profound films of the year.”
-Dan Bayer, Next Best Picture


Sun, Nov 3, 2024


3:30 PM


The Paramount Theater

Film Info

Director: Joshua Oppenheimer

Runtime: 148 min.

Genre: Drama, Musical

Year: 2024

Country: Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden

Language: English

Featuring: Tilda Swinton, Michael Shannon, George MacKay, Moses Ingram, Bronagh Gallagher, Tim McInnerny, Lennie James


Joshua Oppenheimer Headshot

Joshua Oppenheimer is a two-time Academy Award-nominee, BAFTA prizewinner, and Professor of Film renowned for redefining the possibilities of documentary cinema.